Twenty years ago, if you wanted to rid your face of wrinkles or stop your face from sagging, there was only one way to do it: go under the knife for a face-lift. This invasive surgical procedure would cost upwards of $8,000 and require a minimum of 3 weeks recovery time. Today, advancements in medical esthetics like Botox and dermal fillers make it possible for anyone to combat crows’ feet while on a lunch break – taking years off their appearance without emptying their pockets.The speed, price, and convenience of these cosmetic procedures has expanded their popularity to spas and medical clinics worldwide. The right training program can give you the skills and certification you need to capitalize on this beauty movement, injecting some specialized knowledge into your professional skillset.
Students of Esthetics Programs Ask: What are Dermal Fillers?
‘Dermal filler’ is an umbrella term for any injectable filler used on the face as a cosmetic, restorative, or wrinkle-correcting treatment. Doctors and Nurses carefully inject a natural or synthetic solution into the soft-tissue of the face, causing the area to swell. Essentially, this treatment fills fine lines and wrinkles from below the skin, resulting in a smoother, more youthful look.Most dermal fillers are temporary, and over time they are absorbed by the body. Botox, for example, lasts approximately three to four months if performed correctly. Injecting dermal fillers is as much an art as it is a science – some fillers are designed for use in particular parts of the face, while injecting any filler in certain facial muscles can have unflattering and uncomfortable results.When you attend a top
esthetics institute you’ll learn how to work in an environment that practices dermal filler treatments to best suit any client’s particular needs, while always complying with Canadian health and safety standards.You’ll be able to assist a doctor and/or nurse in the consultation process at your future clinic or medi-spa: advising clients on the treatment options available, discussing the potential benefits, and preparing them for proper pre and post treatment care.
![Dermal fillers are used by medical professionals to treat a range of common facial skin flaws]()
Dermal fillers are used by medical professionals to treat a range of common facial skin flaws
Learn the Science Behind Top Filler Products in Medical Esthetics Programs
Most fillers are composed of hyaluronic acids, collagens, or biosynthetic polymers like poly-L-lactic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and polymethylmethacrylate. These compounds are scientifically complex, but their purposes are clear to graduates of
medical esthetics programs.Hyaluronic acid fillers are among the most commonly used products for treating wrinkles, fine lines, and deep creases. Botox falls into the hyaluronic acid category, working to effectively weaken muscles that create wrinkles when they contract.Canada’s top hyaluronic acid filler is Juvederm, a product students are familiar with at International Beauty Institute (IBI). The reaction of the hyaluronic acids with the body’s own collagen (a controlled swelling) can even effectively improve imperfections like scars and pockmarks on the skin.Biosynthetic polymers are popular for contouring the jawline and other areas of the face like fallen cheeks and thin lips. These biosynthetic versions of dermal fillers are even rumoured to plump up such famous pouts as Jessica Simpson’s and Kylie Jenner’s.If you’re interested in helping today’s clients look and feel their best, an understanding of these state-of-the-art medical esthetic treatments will help you on your way.
Are you interested in pursuing medical esthetician training in Mississauga? Visit IBI to check out more of what we have to offer you.